The RightProcess Online Course
$49 gets you the simplest way to learn how to build a process-driven organization using clearly defined processes and procedures.
Before I Tell You About This Online Course, Let's Talk About Who This is Really For... 
You are a  Manager who cares about your professional reputation.  This is important because clearly defined processes and procedures directly impact your reputation and supports your:
  • Branding: Your professional reputation is a reflection of your personal brand. A positive reputation can help you build a strong brand and differentiate yourself from others in your field.

  • Credibility: A positive professional reputation can enhance your credibility and make it easier for others to trust you. This is particularly important in business, where trust is crucial in building relationships.

  • Opportunities: A good professional reputation can open doors to new opportunities, such as job offers, promotions, and collaborations. People are more likely to work with or hire someone who has a successful track record.

  • Personal Satisfaction: A good professional reputation can also provide a sense of personal satisfaction and pride. Knowing that you are respected and admired by your peers and colleagues based on your performance and your ability to deliver can be a source of motivation and fulfillment
You're in the right place if you're a Manager working for a small or mid-sized business who is ready to provide clear guidance and support to your employees.
In this online course,
you will learn:
A 3-Step Framework so you can ensure your processes and procedures are defined "right"!
How to Create Process Workflows to support your ability to rapidly define your organization's core business processes and if applicable, easily fulfill regulatory obligations.
How to Create Standard Operating Procedures so your staff has a clear understanding of how to complete activities and tasks consistently and efficiently, and if applicable, easily fulfill regulatory obligations.
The Differences between a Policy, a Process, and a Procedure so you can intentionally focus your time and resources on the right efforts.
The Benefits of Defined Processes & Procedures so you can lead your team efforts with confidence.
5 Things Processes and Procedures Can't Replace to ensure you have the right expectations for your process efforts.
Three Types of Managers so you can recognize what type of Manager YOU are when it comes to leading a process-driven organization.
How is the online course delivered?
 Once you purchase the course, you will be granted access to the RightProcess Online Course Portal. 
You will have immediate access to all the course content which includes:
  • 8 Recorded Video Lessons- The recorded video lessons are chunkified into easily digestible topics.  Topic Timelines are included to make it easy to return to specific sections.
  • 8 Recorded Video Lesson Transcripts - A PDF transcript is provided for each recorded video lesson to support different learning styles..
  • 7 BONUS Summary Sheets- Sprinkled throughout the course are seven additional PDFs.  These bonus Summary Sheets are designed for the learner who what's to learn even more.
  • Sample Process Workflow & SOP- To maximize the learning experience, a PDF file is included with a sample process workflow and SOP

In total, the 8 Recorded Video Lessons take ~60 minutes to complete (allow for additional time if you plan on reading the 7 Bonus Summary Sheets).  All course content is immediately available once the course is purchased so you can work at your own pace.

Access to the RightProcess Online Course expires 1 year after your purchase.
Unhappy?  Unlikely.  But no problem...
The goal is to empower you with meaningful knowledge and skills!

You have 2 weeks to fully engage in the online course materials whereby you can jump in and start learning.  During this time, if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, we will refund 100% of your money.  It's that easy.
Still trying to make a decision?
Consider these 6 benefits you will get from implementing clearly defined processes & procedures...
  1. Consistency: SOPs provide clear guidelines and procedures for performing tasks and procedures consistently. This makes it easier for managers to ensure that employees are following the same steps and using the same processes, regardless of who is performing the task or procedure.

  2. Efficiency: SOPs help employees perform tasks and procedures more efficiently by providing clear instructions and reducing the need for trial and error. This can save time, reduce costs, and improve productivity.
  3. Risk Reduction: SOPs help reduce risk by ensuring that employees are following safe and effective procedures. This can help prevent accidents, injuries, and other safety incidents.
  4. Accountability: SOPs provide a clear framework for accountability by specifying who is responsible for performing each task or procedure, and how it should be done. This makes it easier for managers to hold employees accountable for their actions and ensure that tasks and procedures are performed correctly.
  5. Training and Onboarding: SOPs provide a clear framework for training new employees and ensuring that they understand how to perform tasks and procedures correctly. This can reduce training time, improve retention, and increase productivity.
  6. Quality: SOPs can help ensure that customer service representatives provide high-quality service by specifying how to handle customer requests and inquiries in a professional and customer-focused manner. By providing clear guidelines for how to communicate with customers, SOPs can help ensure that all interactions are positive and productive.